Me hubiera gustado estar con vos en tan especial ocasión!!
Cuando me tocan esos días grises llenos de nubarrones pienso en mis últimos días de universitario, las frenéticas horas de estudio de mi ultima materia que fue ginecología y obstetricia, mis companeros, las fiestas.
Sin lugar a dudas una de los mejores y mas felices momentos de mi vida.
De vuelta
Estoy de vuelta, así es.
Ni de vacaciones, ni enfermo con la gripe del chancho que ya llego a Camboya ni muerto a manos de la tuberculosis multiresistente con la que batallamos cada día. Solamente estuve con mucho trabajo la semana pasada visitando el Hospital de Kampong Cham y una de las prisiones en la frontera con Vietnam en las cual estamos llevando a cabo un programa nutricional.
La prisión en cuestión nos queda a casi 3 horas de viaje en las que solo se ven campos de arroz, familias enteras trabajando en los arrozales con sus búfalos de agua, gente trabajando en las plantaciones de coco hasta que se llega a la frontera con Vietnam. Allí el panorama cambia bastante por que si bien no hay un pueblo limitrofe lo que si hay es muchos casinos y prostitutas ya que en Vietnam es ilegal el juego. Detrás de las luces de los casinos se encuentra la prisión, un edificio triste y gris de la época comunista. Definitivamente si hay algo que predomina en los edificios de los países comunistas es el mal gusto arquitectónico.
Las consultas de rutina, algunos casos complicados y la decision de referir un caso de paraplejía al hospital para realizar las curaciones en la ulcera por decúbito y tratar de indagar un poco mas en la causa de esta parálisis a pesar de la muy alta sospecha de que sea tuberculosis infectando la medula espinal. Negociar con el director, arreglar los guardias y el traslado al hospital.
Los dias siguientes fueron bastante complicados y desagradables ya que solo teniamos acceso al preso/paciente una vez por dia cuando el carcelero se disponia a abrir el candado del cuarto dispuesto en el hospital, despues tratar de hacerle entender al carcelero que las cadenas con candado dispuestas entre el elastico de la cama y las piernas del paciente no tenian ninguna razon de ser ya que el y yo estabamos frente a un paraplejico que no podia ni controlar esfinteres. (En el hospital no hay colchones por lo que los pacientes descansan sobre los elasticos de la cama). Despues de mi esfuerzo frente al testarudo carcelero con el resto del equipo aseamos el paciente y realizamos las curaciones. Entre el paciente, mierda acumulada y el pus de la escara encontramos una colonia de hormigas. Pocas palabras puden describir nuestras caras frente a semejante situacion.
Con el carcelero apurandonos confirmamos una masa en la columna vertebral que seguramente sera compatible con tuberculosis. Decidimos empezar el tratamiento antituberculostatico, le pusimos un panal al paciente y dispusimos de cuatro pequenos recipientes con agua en los que colocamos las patas de la cama con la esperanza de que al dia siguiente, al momento que el carcelero nos abra la puerta, encontranos una escara llena de mierda y pus pero no hormigas.
El resto del dia o mejor de la semana me la pase pensando que tiene que haber algo mas que esta vida. Esto solamente no puede ser la verdad, tiene que haber al menos otras mentiras. Tiene que haber una mentira en la que exista la esperanza de entender, en la que aliente un simulacro de la verdad. Una verdad sin hormigas.
Speak Your World
In Brighton, England, a lady was invited to make a speech to the hundreds of people who attended an the Frontiers Prevention Project Celebration in 2007. She walked slowly to the platform, smiling and wearing a beautiful dress, watched by the audience. This lady was Chhun Roth from Cambodia.
“I feel very happy and so excited,” Roth said. “How could I have imagined that a person like me would have a chance to come and meet everyone here in Brighton?”
She looked so excited and her eyes filled with tears. She ended her short speech and walked back with hope. It had been a long journey from Cambodia to England.
Chhun Roth was born into a very poor family in Sambok Chab in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She was the eldest in the family and had five brothers and sisters. Ever since she was young, Roth never really knew what happiness was.
As her family was poor and homeless, Sambok Chab became the only residence for her family. Unfortunately, the area was considered as a squatter zone of Phnom Penh. However, she hoped that one day her family would be given land and that their housing rights would be respected, promoted, protected and fulfilled by the government.
Soon Roth grew up, several men fell in love with her. She decided to marry one of them and went on to have two children with him. Roth hoped that her life would be happy after marriage; unfortunately, she was later divorced from her husband. One day, she decided to leave her parents and moved to live alone in Battambang province.
When she arrived in Battambang she rented a room with the little money she had with her, hoping that she could find a job soon. Next to her room there was a building where many pretty young girls were living, however, Roth could not tell what they were doing. Well, they looked pretty and attractive and Roth started to wonder why men walked in and out off the building.
Several days later she found out that those young women worked in beer gardens. They always came home with boyfriends or sweethearts after work. One day a pretty young lady came to her and chatted with her. Roth told her that she was looking for a job but she could not find one as she did not know anyone.
The pretty young lady said, “Do you want a job as a beer girl? If you are interested, you can go with me.”
Roth was quite happy as she needed money to buy food and to pay for her room. Finally, Roth decided to work as a beer girl. Because her salary as a beer girl was small, she also began to have sex with customers in exchange for money, in order to support her family.
In 2002, Roth was chosen to be a peer educator of the Community Development Action (CDA), which was a former implementing partner of KHANA in Battambang province. In 2006, through the Frontiers Prevention Project, Roth was lucky to be invited to participate in the Photo-voice training organized by International HIV/AIDS Alliance in collaboration with KHANA. Then she became a Photo-voice member.
During the conference in 2006, Roth displayed her work as a photographer. There was one photo that Roth took. It was a photo of her friend. Why did she decide to take that photo of her friend? No one would know if Roth had not written the caption under it.
The caption read: This is a photo of my friend. She struggles to earn enough money to feed her family. Her father and mother are sick. She goes to work even when she is sick. Sometimes she must sleep with clients to earn money to live. I feel her life experiences are very similar to mine.
Roth’s own photo had a caption that read: I work as a sex worker to earn a living. I am often mistreated at work: my clients do not pay for my services or are violent towards me. The owner of my brothel deducted five months pay because I took one day off. I am hoping that one day I can find my way out, to seek good work. I don’t want to continue with my present career. I want to be a photographer because it is my favourite work.
Shortly after returning home from Cambodia, Chhun Roth passed away at the young age of 31. However, her name and activities as well as the photos and messages she left behind tell us to continue her advocacy to combat stigmatization, intolerance and discrimination against sex workers and other entertainment workers.
Roth also has a message to all women to stand up for their rights and to fight for their human rights. Roth has gone away, but she left a great message behind; that is, hope to everyone.
Pina Bausch ist tot
Hay muchas personas a las que les gusta ir al teatro bien vestidos, también están los que disfrutan viendo tutus o pasos en punta de pie pero seguramente lo que mas les gusta a ese tipo de personas es la supuesta perfección y elegancia del ballet. A otros nos gusta la danza creada por el Tanztheater de Wuppertal.
Hace unos días murió Pina Bausch, gran coreógrafa y bailarina que le mostró al mundo que los cuerpos se ensucian, se arrastran y se cuelgan, lloran y gritan y que todo puede ser un gran caos. Porque en nuestro día a día a todos nos cuesta un poco no? todos hemos llegado a pensar que el sufrimiento es el único camino no?
Es nuestra vida arriba del escenario o el lago de los cisnes.
Ustedes eligen
Un mal paso
In June 2009, 21 new casualties from 13 mine/ERW accidents in 6 different provinces were provisionally reported by CMVIS data gatherers. The total number of casualties reported from January to June 2009 reaches 150. This represents a decrease of 13% compared with the same
period of 2008.
• Of the 21 new Mine/ERW Casualties
- 9 (42.86%) casualties resulted from 8 mine accidents and 12 (57.14%) casualties resulted from 5 ERW accidents.
- 12 (57.14%) people were injured, were amputation 2(9.52%) and 7(33.33%) were killed
- 10 (47.62%) casualties were boys, 2 (9.52%) casualties were girls, and 9 (42.86%) casualties were men.
• Impact of prevention efforts
- 8 mine accidents reportedly occurred where there were no mine signs in the vicinity of the accident.
- 3 (14.29%) casualties reportedly received MRE prior to the accident.
• Impact of accident area for the period of January 2008 to May 2009 (398 casualties
Un día como hoy, pero en 1789, estallaba la revolución francesa.
Rodaron, literalmente, todas las cabezas de aristócratas, nobles y poderosos lo cual siempre amerita al menos algún tipo de festejo y el nuestro fue en la embajada francesa de Pnomh Penh luchando codo a codo por un poco de vin rouge y otro poco de formage.
Sigo con la lectura de Nabokov. Lolita es una lectura fascinante, una "verdadera sutileza aderezado con sonoras frases en francés". La personalidad de Humbert se nos impone enseguida y nos damos cuenta junto a el que la indiferencia es la forma mas refinada de crueldad.
Apenas comenzada la lectura de Nabokov me entero de la muerte de Michael Jackson y la verdad es que me dio un poco de prurito cada vez que veía sus fans en las calles de Pnohn Penh y si bien todos recordamos buenos momentos de nuestras vidas al momento de escuchar sus canciones la verdad es que esa música deja sabor a poco. Se murió alguien que siempre busco o persiguió ser algo que nunca pudo, lo que nunca fue.
Nadie puede ser lo que no es, Michael, y pienso que tal vez esa sea nuestra pequeña tragedia cotidiana.
Casa de citas
(Juan Carlos Onetti en Sara Facio, Alicia D'Amico: Retratos y Autoretratos. Ediciones de Crisis, Bs As 1973)
Lugares comunes
Les puedo contar como la tuberculosis hace estragos en Kampong Chang pero antes de comenzar creo que ya será un relato fallido.