
Un mal paso

Las minas antipersonas y artefactos eplosivos (ERW) continuan siendo una amenaza cotidiana en Camboya. Un numero muy significativo de personas amputadas puede verse en las calles de Pnohm Phen y en las zonas rurales, generalmente se los encuentra vendiendo billetes de loteria o mendigando. Camboya tiene uno de los mas altos indice de amputados del mundo. Aqui les dejo el reporte del mes de junio, por supuesto, los mas afectados son los chicos.

In June 2009, 21 new casualties from 13 mine/ERW accidents in 6 different provinces were provisionally reported by CMVIS data gatherers. The total number of casualties reported from January to June 2009 reaches 150. This represents a decrease of 13% compared with the same
period of 2008.

• Of the 21 new Mine/ERW Casualties
- 9 (42.86%) casualties resulted from 8 mine accidents and 12 (57.14%) casualties resulted from 5 ERW accidents.
- 12 (57.14%) people were injured, were amputation 2(9.52%) and 7(33.33%) were killed
- 10 (47.62%) casualties were boys, 2 (9.52%) casualties were girls, and 9 (42.86%) casualties were men.

• Impact of prevention efforts
- 8 mine accidents reportedly occurred where there were no mine signs in the vicinity of the accident.
- 3 (14.29%) casualties reportedly received MRE prior to the accident.
• Impact of accident area for the period of January 2008 to May 2009 (398 casualties