In June 2009, 21 new casualties from 13 mine/ERW accidents in 6 different provinces were provisionally reported by CMVIS data gatherers. The total number of casualties reported from January to June 2009 reaches 150. This represents a decrease of 13% compared with the same
period of 2008.
• Of the 21 new Mine/ERW Casualties
- 9 (42.86%) casualties resulted from 8 mine accidents and 12 (57.14%) casualties resulted from 5 ERW accidents.
- 12 (57.14%) people were injured, were amputation 2(9.52%) and 7(33.33%) were killed
- 10 (47.62%) casualties were boys, 2 (9.52%) casualties were girls, and 9 (42.86%) casualties were men.
• Impact of prevention efforts
- 8 mine accidents reportedly occurred where there were no mine signs in the vicinity of the accident.
- 3 (14.29%) casualties reportedly received MRE prior to the accident.
• Impact of accident area for the period of January 2008 to May 2009 (398 casualties